Please note that this childminding service is no longer trading as of September 2021
Category Archives: News
Outdoor play
Home baking and cooking some of the things we have made
Dinosaur hunting
the children enjoyed the adventure as well
Day-Out on HMS Belfast
wonderful experience on HMS Belfast travelled by train in to London then explored the Ship
First Aid in Paediatrics level 3
Refreshed 1st Aid qualification in January 2019
Enjoyed a walk on frosty morning January 2019
wow it was chilly and frosty crunchy grass how strange
Building a Team
Online training course regarding different roles team members play July 2018
completed online training course on observations July 2018
KEEP – The Key Elements of Effective Practice
completed training regarding effective practice July 2018
Updated documents from HM Government
Working Together to Safeguard Children July 2018–2
Information Sharing July 2018
Updated Training
February 2018
The Prevent Duty
Managing Safeguarding
Digital Skills
Children’s and young people’s development in health and Social Care Settings
Health and Safety ICT
I made a unicorn
Developing Self-esteem in young children
An introduction to conflict management
October 2017
An enabling learning Environment
updated IT Skills
March 2017
refreshed my Babysdays skills
October 2016
Prevent duty LA 2016
July 2016
FGM Training
March 2016
Ofsted Inspection Graded Outstanding ( 3rd time since registering as a childminder )
February 2016
Safeguarding in lead professional and Early help assessment framework
safeguarding signs and symptoms
Food hygiene level 2
During January 2016
updated 1st Aid and eli-pen and anaphylaxis allergens
December 2015
I have taken part in some research as part of the Study of Early Education and Development (SEED) project around quality of care that childminders provide. You can view the report by following the link below:
Thank you once again for agreeing to take part in this study and help create this invaluable piece of research.
I also attended multiple network meeting to work in partnership with fellow childminders and local authorities sharing information and staying updated with relevant changes.
undertaken several on line training courses with regard to safeguarding for The New Prevent Duty Guidance 2015 and produced certificates achievement .
Facilitated training of other childminders using the childcare system called babysdays
which has enhanced my use of the system
Graduated from Royal Greenwich University with BA(hons) Early Years
Summer newsletter 2014
Last term we explored colours in our changing environment from winter to spring. Examined growing plants.
Outings – outside sandpit and playground – visited children centres accessing bikes, trikes and other riding toys.
All the children will be involved in these areas.
JUNE. OURSELVES. HANDS ~FEET.Making prints and art of our hands/ feet
JULY. SEA CREATURES. FISH Feeding and reading. about types of fish
AUGUST ANIMALS. FARM ZOO PETS where animals live and what they eat
Dates –
School term ends 23rd July 2014
Closure from 28th July – returning to work 11th August
Angelina will be leaving us at the end of the school year. Joanna will leave us for the summer break returning in September.
POSSIBLE OUTINGS AND INFORMAL LEARNING- OURSELVES Hornimans museum to see displays, visit services in our community to see different people and see how different we are. SEA CREATURES water play. A trip to the beach too, an aquarium to see different sea life ANIMALS farm and zoo visits .Farm animals and noises, what do they eat? Where do they live? Different fur and skin
Working together, in this way is a valuable relationship for your child’s growth and their understanding of the world around them. This will enhance their learning in these seven areas of learning and development:-
Communication language, physical development, personal social and emotional development, Literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design
(EYFS updated September 2012). Thank you for your ongoing support
Spring news letter
LAST TERM – we explored weather, numbers , and healthy eating.
Outings ~ outside gym in the park, supermarket looked at healthy options visited garden centre to see decorations
Making weather board, Talk about the weather sun and rain for plants to grow
Looking under plants and rocks for creatures in the garden looking in books for information on mini beasts
Planning holidays looking at transport
Playing and making transport
All the children will be involved in these areas
Dates –
Toddler Easter party 3rd April
Good Friday – 18th April
Easter Monday 21st April
Bank holidays 5th & 26th May
With winter finished and spring here, we shall explore with fun activities the topics below.
POSSIBLE OUTINGS AND INFORMAL LEARNING- growing the ecology park, Marion Wilson park to see baby lambs, mini beasts – garden centre and book store transport – travel on various transports, transport museum.
As before your support is so very important to your child’s understanding about the environment in which they live If you could help by bringing things (nothing to large please) from home on a weekly basis to help cement your child’s learning at this vital stage of development, In the following subjects please try to explore these topics at home, to help promote continuity of care for your child.
Winter Newsletter 2013
Winter Season
Newsletter 2013
LAST TERM – we explored shapes, colours , and whats is in side builds.
Outings ~ farm, parks and visit local church shops such as butchers shop and different supermarkets to help support learning. Had rides on buses.
With autumn finished and winter here, we shall explore with fun activities the topics below.
DECEMBER – this months topic WEATHER- WIND, RAIN, SUN, SNOW – Making snow pictures, and Christmas decorations. Talk about the weather cooler snowing sleet hail. coats gloves hats our changing clothing for this season.
JANUARY – this months topic – NUMBERS – COUNTING SONGS – Playing counting games and building with bricks. There are numbers on our doors and count things , steps we step up, numbers in shops, prices, on buses etc
FEBRUARY – this months topic – HEALTHY EATING – GOOD FOODS & EXERCISE – Trying new fruits, prepare our own lunch exercise and healthy eating are important everyday.
Dates –
Children centre Christmas party 17th Dec
Last day break up for Christmas friday 20th Dec
Returning Monday 6th Jan 2014
POSSIBLE OUTINGS AND INFORMAL LEARNING- the Ecology park, Marion Wilson park to see reindeer, Ruxley garden centre christmas and ice skating display. Numbers explored through cooking and other science based play. Make smoothies from fruits we buy and try. Explore healthy options.
What do you do at home with your child ?
What can we learn from your activities with your child ?
This information is vital for us in supporting your growing child.
Thank you for your ongoing support and working with us in partnership.
The seven areas of learning are listed and are covered in every topic each monthLanguage and Literacy, Physical, Personal Social Emotional , Creative Art Development, and Knowledge of the World, Maths (EYFS 12)
Finally Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year