Justine’s organizational skills often blow me away as well as her patience and happy persona.

I have been fortunate enough to have Justine as my daughter’s child-minder for the past two years now. My daughter absolutely loves going to Justine’s everyday whilst I continue with my education. When My daughter sees Justine, her whole face lights up. This is reassuring for me to know that my child is left in a happy and safe environment with a trustworthy child-minder.



Summer newsletter 2014

Last term we explored colours in our changing environment from winter to spring. Examined growing plants.
Outings – outside sandpit and playground – visited children centres accessing bikes, trikes and other riding toys.
All the children will be involved in these areas.

JUNE. OURSELVES. HANDS ~FEET.Making prints and art of our hands/ feet
JULY. SEA CREATURES. FISH Feeding and reading. about types of fish
AUGUST ANIMALS. FARM ZOO PETS where animals live and what they eat

School term ends 23rd July 2014
Closure from 28th July – returning to work 11th August
Angelina will be leaving us at the end of the school year. Joanna will leave us for the summer break returning in September.

POSSIBLE OUTINGS AND INFORMAL LEARNING- OURSELVES Hornimans museum to see displays, visit services in our community to see different people and see how different we are. SEA CREATURES water play. A trip to the beach too, an aquarium to see different sea life ANIMALS farm and zoo visits .Farm animals and noises, what do they eat? Where do they live? Different fur and skin

Working together, in this way is a valuable relationship for your child’s growth and their understanding of the world around them. This will enhance their learning in these seven areas of learning and development:-
Communication language, physical development, personal social and emotional development, Literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design
(EYFS updated September 2012). Thank you for your ongoing support